Friday, June 1, 2012

A Writer's Life

Oscar Wilde statue in Dublin 
Major writing, editing and other projects have been keeping me from updating my blog.  I have been doing tons of reading. Reading helps me become a better writer and it relaxes me. Recently, I've been reading books about Oscar Wilde, written by his son Vyvyan Holland. I've also been reading Oscar Wilde's life in letters, edited by his grandson, Merlin Holland. They are wonderful and insightful. It gives the reader a unique perspective on Wilde's life, ideas and passions. He was a very intelligent and talented man who was definitely ahead of his time. Its sad that his sexual orientation is all that people tend to mention when referring to Wilde. His grandson, who was recently present at the re-dedication of Oscar Wilde's tomb, said that his private life should be just that, private and a small part of who he was. The tomb was surrounded by plexiglass in order to protect it from too many kisses. In today's world, his private life wouldn't have made much of a difference. Yet, in the strict Victorian world, it was his downfall. It was a sad end to a brilliant mind. I highly recommend these books. Some are out of print and can be found on ebay from time to time. Walking to the beat of a different drum requires bravery, determination and intelligence. Oscar Wilde had all three and then some. Also available is the film "Wilde" starring Stephen Frye.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I will have to check these books out. I love Oscar Wilde!