Friday, January 18, 2019

The Beginning

   The Universe was just fine, very fine indeed. After awhile the Universe felt creative. It started small at first, a pretty rainbow of colors massed together and some melodies. The Universe felt very pleased with these creations. But, one thing leads to another, as it always does. Let's go bigger and try new things, the Universe thought. As pleasing as this was, something was missing. The Universe decided to created a companion to create alongside her. Now, the Universe was neither female nor male, but for the sake of the story, we shall use the feminine, mother noun. It's as good as any.
   Who am I, you may ask? Just one of the Universe's creations telling the story of how it all began.
   The companion, the Universe created, was just like the creator and why not? The creator used it's own self to create the companion. So, what could make the companion different? Yes, the Universe thought, I shall give my companion complete autonomy. This way my friend can be her own self, more or less. Together, the two friends went on an artistic spree. Oh what fun they had! Eventually there were many, many more friends and many more places for the new friends to create. The Universe felt so fulfilled.
   Then, something happened that the Universe didn't expect. A dark patch in the fabric of creation appeared. Upon further inspection the Universe discovered that not every creation was beautiful or filled with light. In fact, some of the friends forgot where they were from. They forgot that they could be happy and have dream filled worlds of wonder. They created illusions of separation where they had to do things to get things. They believed that problems existed and solutions were difficult or non existent. This confused the Universe. Why would they choose to feel bad when it isn't necessary at all? Some friends reached the darkest of worlds and finally sought the light because they felt they had nothing left. Some, just disappeared into the abyss. This made the Universe sad. However, as things tend to do, the cycle eventually spiraled back on to itself and everything started anew.
   The Universe decided that the next time she would be careful with her new first friend. But, again, she gave her new friend free will because that was less lonely. And again, the spiral began. But, the Universe realized, slowly and gradually, the spiral began to brighten with each cycle. The Universe, sighed and felt satisfied. She realized that, in the end, we will all find our way back. When that happens, it will be a very beautiful Universe indeed. So, the Universe decided to carry on and take comfort that the light will brighten and grow as long as she creates and does not remain complacent.

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