Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Can anyone do it?

When I spoke to the school kids, I told them how anyone could be a writer. I wouldn't say that to everyone, but I believe kids posses a great amount of potential. Kids know very well what they "can't do", not so much about what they can. Papers are graded with comments on what they did wrong and maybe a smiley face will be added for good measure. I realize that teachers do make positive remarks, its just that, overall, kids receive way more "constructive criticism" than they do positive reinforcement. The teachers are just doing their job. They have to follow the educational guidelines set before them. When I was talking to the kids, I was able to try and motivate them. I wanted them to see their inner passions and how they can use that to follow their dreams. It turns out, however, that I may have insulted other professional writers by saying "anyone can be a writer". I guess its like saying "anyone can be a doctor, lawyer, etc" The intention behind those words were meant to serve as youthful motivation rather than offending writers. I realize that it takes studying, desire, talent and much more to be a good writer. Neil Gaiman (a professional writer) told me once, "if you want to be a writer...write, finish, then write again." He said that's how he did it and still does. Talent stands on its own merits. "Of course," he added, "writers are avid readers, too."
People want to be at the top of their field. They do not want to think that "anyone can do it" (change it to whatever you want). Of course ANYONE can't do it! if they could then EVERYONE would be doing it. I believe that everyone has something they can do, however, and that they should be motivated to find out what that is. We are all valid, contributing individuals on this blue planet. Why not be the best we can be? Be the best parent, teacher, partner, cook, co-worker, student, etc. Find that spark within, for we all possess it.


Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so...No one knows how hard it is to do what I do. So, there!

Anonymous said...

You mean I can do it? If I had only known way back when I was failing school. I guess it's never too late, right?

Anonymous said...

What about learning disabled kids? They can't do many things. Don't give them false hope.

Anonymous said...

I was one of those "LD" kids. Its people like you (judy)who give us false pessimism. I wish someone would have given me hope, false or otherwise, when I was in school!

Anonymous said...

Well said jared!